Scientific Project Manager

Valérie Kaltimbacher


“When ‘I’ is replaced by ‘We’, even ‘Illness’ becomes ‘Wellness’.” (Malcom X)

Your role at Institut Roche and brief presentation of your professional background:

I joined Institut Roche in 2019 as Scientific Operation Manager. Since 2023, I am Scientific Project Manager. I am also Data Privacy expert within the Institut Roche team in support to our DPO.
My role is to connect research from academia (including start-ups) with F. Hoffmann-La Roche’s research centers in order to synergy and bring pertinent knowledge and innovation in biomedical research for patients.

I am a biologist by training and have a strong experience in establishing and coordinating scientific relations between academic and industry partners.

My Focus at Institut Roche:

My focus is in ophthalmology.

  1. Bonnet, C., Kaltimbacher, V., et al. Allotopic mRNA Localization to the Mitochondrial Surface Rescues Respiratory Chain Defects in Fibroblasts Harboring Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Affecting Complex I or V Subunits. Rejuvenation Res, 10,128-144 (2007).
  2. Bonnet, C., Kaltimbacher, V., et al. [mRNA localization to the mitochondrial surface: a tool to treat retinal pathologies due to mitochondrial DNA mutations]. J Soc Biol, 201, 69-74 (2007).
  3. Kaltimbacher, V., et al. mRNA localization to the mitochondrial surface allows the efficient translocation inside the organelle of a nuclear recoded ATP6 protein. RNA, 12, 1408-1417 (2006).
  4. M. Corral-Debrinski, J.-A. Sahel, V. Kaltimbacher, C. Bonnet – Importation of mitochondrial protein by an enhanced allotropic approach. US 60/676,933 -Inserm – Reference DVTT: 05064 (2005).
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