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Our publications

Since its creation, Institut Roche has translated its expertise into numerous successful scientific publications

Early and protective microglial activation in Alzheimer’s disease : a prospective study using18F-DPA-714 PET imaging. Brain, 139(4), 1252-1264.

Hamelin, L., Lagarde, J., Dorothée, G., Leroy, C., Labit, M., Comley, R. A., de Souza, L. C., Corne, H., Dauphinot, L., Bertoux, M., Dubois, B., Gervais, P., Colliot, O., Potier, M. C., Bottlaender, M., & Sarazin, M. (2016).

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Mitochondrial oxidative stress is the Achille’s heel of melanoma cells resistant to Braf-mutant inhibitor. Oncotarget, 4(11), 1986–1998.

Corazao-Rozas, P., Guerreschi, P., Jendoubi, M., André, F., Jonneaux, A., Scalbert, C., Garçon, G., Malet-Martino, M., Balayssac, S., Rocchi, S., Savina, A., Formstecher, P., Mortier, L., Kluza, J., & Marchetti, P. (2013).

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Identification of intellectual disability genes showing circadian clock-dependent expression in the mouse hippocampus. Neuroscience, 308, 11-50.

Renaud, J., Dumont, F., Khelfaoui, M., Foisset, S., Letourneur, F., Bienvenu, T., Khwaja, O., Dorseuil, O., & Billuart, P. (2015).

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Negative regulation of EB1 turnover at microtubule plus ends by interaction with microtubule-associated protein ATIP3. Oncotarget, 6(41), 43557–43570.

Velot, L., Molina, A., Rodrigues-Ferreira, S., Nehlig, A., Bouchet, B. P., Morel, M., Leconte, L., Serre, L., Arnal, I., Braguer, D., Savina, A., Honore, S., & Nahmias, C. (2015).

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Early inhibition of hepatocyte innate responses by hepatitis B virus. Journal of Hepatology, 63(6), 1314-1322.

Luangsay, S., Gruffaz, M., Isorce, N., Testoni, B., Michelet, M., Faure-Dupuy, S., Maadadi, S., Ait-Goughoulte, M., Parent, R., Rivoire, M., Javanbakht, H., Lucifora, J., Durantel, D., & Zoulim, F. (2015).

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Sulcal morphology as a new imaging marker for the diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 36(11), 2932-2939.

Hamelin, L., Bertoux, M., Bottlaender, M., Corne, H., Lagarde, J., Hahn, V., Mangin, J. F., Dubois, B., Chupin, M., de Souza, L. C., Colliot, O., & Sarazin, M. (2015).

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Modifications of the endosomal compartment in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and fibroblasts from Alzheimer’s disease patients. Transl Psychiatry 5, e595 (2015).

Corlier, F., Rivals, I., Lagarde, J. et al.

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Expression and functionality of Toll- and RIG-like receptors in HepaRG cells. Journal of Hepatology, 63(5), 1077-1085.

Luangsay, S., Ait-Goughoulte, M., Michelet, M., Floriot, O., Bonnin, M., Gruffaz, M., Rivoire, M., Fletcher, S., Javanbakht, H., Lucifora, J., Zoulim, F., & Durantel, D. (2015).

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Necrosis- and apoptosis-related Met cleavages have divergent functional consequences. Cell death & disease, 6(5), e1769.

Montagne, R., Berbon, M., Doublet, L., Debreuck, N., Baranzelli, A., Drobecq, H., Leroy, C., Delhem, N., Porte, H., Copin, M. C., Dansin, E., Furlan, A., & Tulasne, D. (2015).

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